The Abraham Family’s Journey to Russia to Bring Home Their Daughter

April 12, 2008

Fun Times

Nolan's class is practicing for their graduation ceremony coming up at the end of April. This year's graduation has a patriotic theme. Yesterday, we were there for 3 hours and during that time, they got in about 45 minutes of practice. The rest of the time was spent waiting on parents/kids to show up, herding chickens (I mean, kids), getting into costumes, and the most fun of all ... hiding in an interior bathroom waiting for severe thunderstorms (with a tornado watch) to pass over. But the kids were real troopers through it all.

The next practice will be a grueling 4 hours, and parents have been asked to send them with a snack and LEAVE. I know the director wants to whip them into shape without the distraction of parents and siblings hanging around. This is serious business for five-year olds!

Lest you think I was kidding about Nolan being the class clown, I have a small slide show from yesterday. He kept his classmates thoroughly entertained. But to his credit, he knew his part perfectly. I promised the director that I'll make sure he is sufficiently bribed to behave like an angel on stage for the real thing! I'm thinking there is a new Webkin in Nolan's future.

Click on the "Funny Faces" Picaso slide show to the left to see photos of his silliness. Below is a very short clip of Nolan singing "God Bless America".

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