Some days I feel like this adoption is never going to happen. Today has been one of those days.
Maybe it's because it is Friday and it has been raining for 36 hours straight. Maybe it is because as I was paying bills this morning I ran across a sticky note in my checkbook where I had jotted down notes from a phone conversation with our agency. It said we could expect a referral within "a few weeks or a month or so" from the time we submitted our Dossier. Our dossier has been registered in Russia for 1 month, 3 weeks, and 6 days now. Maybe it is because when we started down this journey a year ago, it all seemed so far away and the wait was easy, but now that we are getting closer, the anticipation is getting hard to bear.

So instead of moping around wondering when we'll receive a referral and travel dates, I should be getting things in order so we'll be ready from the moment we get the call! ((I almost typed "mopping" which is something I probably should be doing ;0)) The truth is (for me anyway) I'd much rather be throwing my hands in the air and screaming (another roller coaster analogy) than buckling down and actually getting something done like, I don't know, say... my work, schoolwork, grocery shopping, feeding our pets, laundry, preparing dinner, cleaning and organizing this entire house, etc., etc., etc.
Hmmm, I think it is time for some more positive thoughts. I'll start trying to come up with a few and post them later. Any suggestions?
edited: Positive Thoughts - Walking around Moscow in the summer has to be much easier than in the winter snow and slush. With nicer weather, we can take the kids to places like Gorky Park and the Moscow Zoo. I won't have to go out and buy a new black goose-down coat with fake fur around the hood.
I'll have more time to practice walking in these boots so I
blend in with the all the Moscow women. NOT!!! I'll have more time to practice walking in these boots so I

Waiting. It is one of the hardest things to do, and yet I think that God wants us to learn to trust Him and believe, really believe in our heart, that He is good despite our view of circumstances. He also gives us hope for the future. So, hang in there and try hard to find reasons to be thankful and celebrate today.
James says we're suppose to let patience have her perfect work. Do ya think he used the feminine gender there on purpose? haha
It is very hard to wait .... wow a scripture in Isaiah just came to me: He who waits upon the Lord shall renew his strength; he shall mount up with wings as eagles. He shall run and not be weary; he shall walk and not faint."
Now why didn't they use the feminie there!
God's timing is always perfect. Another thing that comes to my mind is that if we know everything ahead of time, we would not need faith. And, without faith it is impossible to please God. I heard faith in your blog ... I think what's really getting to you is the house work - believe me since I've retired it's gotten to me worse than ever. And, I got bursitis in my knee and haven't been able to do much but look at all the "stuff" that's gotta be done. I am FORCING myself to do at least a little at a time. You said you've had rain - well at least with rain you can't see the dirty windows. When the sun comes thru, my windows and atrium doors, they are all smeared with nose prints! Ha ha ... I will quote to us both what my momma said to me about housework. She was a perfectionist and our house always had to be in Better Homes and Gardens condition ... she told me, "Elaine, don't be a slave to your house. Remember, the only one who ever ate off the floor was the dog!" So enjoy your children and your pets and do a little bit every day and what's important will get done and what's not .... well .... will not and nobody will care ..... especially us!
<< Thanks Elaine, I needed that! Kim >>
If I had a dollar for every time I asked myself this question, I would be a rich woman! But -- it is all worth the wait. The way that I helped myself with the wait was to project the longest timeline. I kept telling myself that nothing would happen for 10 months. Of course the downfall of this is when we got the call I was completely unprepared :)
LOL! About your boots comment! That would be a big NOT for me too.....
Waiting is so hard, I know exactly how you feel! It sounds like you have tons of things going on with the kiddos so I really hope that helps time fly by for you! Like Wendy, the "is this ever going to happen?" question was a daily one for me! Even with travel dates, I am still cautiously optimistic! Hang in there! We're cheering you on!
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