Saturday afternoon we went to our Church's egg hunt and Skate Party. Our church currently meets in a Skating Rink that we converted into a Worship Center back in December. It's a really fun place and Saturday night was a blast. After the indoor egg hunt, they turned down the lights, turned on the disco balls and black lights, and several teens served as DJs playing a great mix of Contemporary Christian music along with the Cha Cha Slide and The Limbo.
Martin and I roller bladed with Preston and Garrett, Liam used his new Spider Man skates he got for this birthday, and Nolan decided to just use his Heelies. The skates our church inherited from the old skating rink were distributed to anyone who didn't bring their own. We had so many new visitors that it was a great outreach to introduce our church to the local community. It was awesome to see many of the visitors at church on Sunday morning and our Easter Service was nothing short of incredible. The entire skate center -- turned worship center -- was filled with the Holy Spirit!
Sunday afternoon we enjoyed lunch with both my mom and Martin's mom. We had Honey Baked Ham, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green beans, peas, pineapple rings and rolls. Then the boys went outside to fly kites and race their colored eggs down the sidewalk. The egg racing has become somewhat of a tradition at our house. The boys sure love to compete with each other. It was sunny, but very cold, so their nice new coordinating clothes were hidden by jackets all day. Oh well, at least they weren't wearing pants with holes in the knees -- a growing problem in our house.
My favorite part of the day was swinging in the hammock with Liam. Since it was cold, he snuggled in close and we looked up at the clear blue sky and watched the little puffs of clouds go by.
We thanked God for the beautiful day and for sending Jesus to be our Savior. Then, Liam and I had interesting discussion about prayers. When I said “Thank you, God, for Liam”, he said that was not a real “thank you prayer”. So I asked him what he thought a “thank you prayer” was. He said we are supposed to thank God for things we love like the swing set, our house, and food. I told him that since I love Liam, I thought I should let God know. He thought about that for a moment and then said, “But don’t forget to thank him for the swing set!”
I have another funny story about Liam. Well, actually it’s about his name. On Good Friday, I sent my mom an Easter e-card. I was in a hurry when I sent it out and honestly, was just trying to check off one more thing off my long list of things to do that day. When I received an e-mail confirmation that Nana had picked up the card I sent, I decided to read it again because I couldn't remember which card I selected. The card was fine, but then I saw how I signed it:
“Love, Preston, Garrett, Nolan and Liability”
Liability??? I guess this might only be funny in light of the fact that I am a corporate attorney and I probably type the word liability about ten times a day. This was the first time, however, that I renamed my sweet Liam, Liability. Now, if it had been Nolan, well that would have made more sense!
Just kidding, Nolan.
At the end of the day, the house was a wreck with plastic eggs, chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, candy pooping farm animals (don't ask), kites and Easter baskets strewn all about and dishes piled high in the sink. Martin and I were exhausted and my feet felt like I had been walking around Disney World all day. This was all evidence of a fun day spent together with family making memories that will last a lifetime. And once the boys were nestled in their beds with goodnight hugs and kisses, I couldn't help but think, God is so good!
Today, it actually snowed for a little while. Remember what I said about Tennessee weather in my March 15th post. It's definitely a good day to stay inside and start picking up our mess...
How can you have a serious conversation with sports balls on your head?
What is it about boys wearing baskets on their heads?
Easter Baskets
Egg Races
View from the hammock with Liam
You always have the funniest storied and photos!! Enjoyed your post and sounds like you had a nice Easter!
I love your stories too. It sounds like so much at your house and such great boy fun. I wish we lived closer so I could bring my boys over for a visit.
Pictures taken from hammocks are cool!
I just figured out how to comment!
I read your blog all of the time. Your Easter sounds great!
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