The Abraham Family’s Journey to Russia to Bring Home Their Daughter

April 9, 2008

On a much lighter note

We have decided to take a little mini-vacation. We really thought we would have traveled to Russia by now so we have been holding off going anywhere in anticipation of that trip. But, here we are with no travel dates in sight and Hilton Grand Vacation points that are about to expire. The boys wanted to go back to Jamaica, so we checked - nothing available. Martin wanted to go to Cancun, so we checked - only week available won't work for us. (I wasn't all that comfortable being out of cell phone range from our agency anyway.) So it looks like we are headed back to our favorite vacation stomping grounds - Orlando!

We'll just have three days to play and we've done Disney and SeaWorld so many times, we're thinking about heading over to the Kennedy Space Center and checking out the Universal Parks this trip. We're squeezing our travel plans in between a play that Preston and Garrett are in (Cinderella: Preston is the King and Garrett is the King's royal assistant Snidwick) and baseball games. In fact, we'll fly back into Nashville airport and head straight for Garrett's game. Let's hope the flights don't get delayed and that Southwest doesn't go and cancel a 1000 flights like American Airlines did today. Can you imagine all those poor people stuck in Airports across the country. Ick!

So that's our big news for the day. We're not going until mid-May, but it's nice to have something to look forward to and plan toward. Plus, I plan on trying out a few gadgets on the relatively short flights to Florida to see if they will be good for our long flight to Russia. For one thing, I want to see which noise-cancelling headphones are the most comfortable.

These:Or these:

I'll be sure to report my findings. I'm also going to try out a new wireless remote Internet access card for my laptop to make sure it works. I'll need it to be able to stay in touch with my office while we're in Russia on Trip 2. I am, admittedly, not very computer savvy, but fortunately I have a techie husband.

We've also planned a camping trip in Kentucky with about five other families for mid-June. We're all going to Homeschool day at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. That's sure to be fun too.

In other random news, due to all the rain on Friday all baseball games were cancelled over the weekend. That led to a Star Wars marathon at our house. We had a couple of friends over and I'm not sure exactly how it started, but by Sunday night, we had watched (for the 100th time) all the Star Wars movies in a row, eaten our way through a 12 pack of popcorn, thrown in a little Monopoly and Star Wars Risk board games and topped it off with a round of Star Wars Trivial Pursuit - the DVD version. I obviously didn't pay close enough attention to the movies (okay, maybe I was trying to read a book during the last three) because, well let me just say, my five year old creamed me in Trivial Pursuit.

Eventually, our plan is for the downstairs playroom to become more of a Media Room or Home Theatre, but for now, we just call it watching "Wall TV". In the photo above, we had pushed all the furniture out of the way and threw some big comforters and pillows on the floor.

Monopoly with good friends (above) and some cool photos from Wall TV (below)

1 comment:

Mama Fish said...

A mini-vacation sounds great! I will email you that info on Kennedy Space Center next week. I have to ask my dh what he thinks since he was the one with the kids on that trip!