The Abraham Family’s Journey to Russia to Bring Home Their Daughter

May 13, 2008

Tennessee Renaissance Festival

There was a big storm last Friday night that caused all Saturday baseball games to be rained out, even though it turned out to be a beautiful day. Taking advantage of having free time on a beautiful Saturday in May, I picked-up my mom (Nana) and one of the boys' buddies (Josh), and we all headed down to the TN Renaissance Festival. What a great time!

It was family day, so admission was cheap (Grandparents and all kids in your family were free), but once inside the gates, EVERYTHING cost extra money. It was worth it though and the money for a few of the activities went to support the Red Cross. I think the boys learned a lot about life in 16th Century England too!

This Knight greeted us at the entrance. He told Preston not to worry, he hadn't dropped that huge thing in his hand in the last five minutes!

Liam and I rode a camel. Liam LOVES riding animals! (Not the most flattering angle for a photo.)

Garrett was scary good throwing those stars. Check out the video below where he was bestowed with Honorary Knighthood.

Everyone's favorite was the Jousting competition.

These are hand cranked rides. The boys were all amazed that the rides were so much fun -- without using any electricity!

Fire-eating guy was good, but his humor was rated "R" so we didn't stay for his entire show.

Fun videos!

Preston on the Dragon Joust

Josh's wild ride!

(The ride operator had no sympathy for his screams for help.)

Garrett earns Honorary Knight in the Queen's Guard

Jousting Competition


Troy and Rachel said...

That looks like so much fun. I would love to see something like that, especially the jousting competition! Looks like everyone had a great time!!

Joy said...

Okay that video where your little one was yelling help was hysterical. I love rides like that one. It looks like you all had a great time.

Becky and Keith said...

I love the Renaissance Festival! The jousting is my favorite too. Alex always has to get a big ol' turkey leg when we go there to prove he can eat it. When he was 7 we were impressed but now that he's 16 we're afraid he'll want to eat 2 of them!!

junglemama said...

How fun! My family would have loved to have gone!