The Abraham Family’s Journey to Russia to Bring Home Their Daughter

June 7, 2008


The adoption community is simply amazing. I am so thankful for all the support I have received in the past few days. I'm telling you, they (the adoption community) have it got it going on. My email box is filled with recommendations, suggestions, tips, and the most comprehensive lists you've ever seen. I can't imagine embarking on this adventure alone. Again, THANK YOU!

I have noticed a common theme: pack light! Now, all we need are traveling dates. We're supposed to have them by next week. Man 'o man, the price of plane tickets have sky-rocketed this summer. That's not a complaint, just an observation. :0)

It's a little annoying that life did not come to a screeching halt the day we received THE CALL. My company still expected me to work, my family still needed laundry and meals, my cell phone battery needed charging, and of course, there are blogs to stalk. There were still baseball games to attend, VBS music practice, a birthday party, and two of my kids had recital rehearsals. On top of all that, we are supposed to go camping next week with six other families. Who has time for such things when you are busy jumping for joy???

At least baseball season is over -- and they played a real scorcher today. It was 95 degrees at game time.

The Main Stage recital was tonight and all went great. Garrett showed off his clogging skills and even threw in a couple of jump/kick steps I didn't know he had in him. Nolan played "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" on his fiddle and sang perfectly. (Thank goodness it was not a repeat of his K-graduation act.) So all that is over too. I didn't get photos or videos to post because they were professionally recording the recital and selling the DVD and didn't allow cameras. The security guard (a.k.a. Barney Fife) even singled me out and specifically told me NOT to take any photos or videos and "he meant it" -- yikes, I don't think he even knew I had my camera tucked inside my tiny little purse -- or did he?

My favorite thing about Summer is that we suspend almost all organized activities and slow way down. We continue school work on a much more relaxed schedule. Mostly, we swim, camp, play in the yard, catch lightning bugs, enjoy ice cream or Popsicles, go to Beech Bend Park and hang out with friends during the Summer months. That is why THE CALL couldn't have come at a better time. Traveling during the summer months won't interfere with anything in particular and lots more people are available to help entertain the boys while Martin and I go on this first trip. I know it is so hard to wait, but God's timing is always perfect!

Hopefully, my next post will have travel dates.


Over Caffeinated Mama said...

Girly, I am so excited for you I can't stand it. I can't wait to log on one day and see her shining LITTLE face :)

Nichole said...

Kim, thanks for the comment on my blog. I am so excited for you! How exciting that you will be traveling soon. I plan on stealing all your travel lists you have gathered since I am behind you in the process! I wish I could help you out. God bless you and your family. It will be an exciting summer.

Jane and Jim said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog - we'll be fine I'm sure we'll get the next referral soon!
Congratulations to you! Wow, you've been at this almost as long as us and you're getting a baby girl...WOOHOO!! That is so exciting! I'm truly happy for you and will keep up with your blog now.

Carrie said...

Kim, I enjoyed talking to you the other day. I am always amazed at the adoption community and how I feel so close to all these people I don't even know but share this wonderful common experience. If you need anything else give me a call or email. I can't wait to hear about travel dates.

Nichole said...

Kim, since I left my last comment, I have read through your entire blog, at least all the adoption parts. I want to say thank you for a lot of the useful information you shared. Especially, the medical information. You have a beautiful family and I can't wait to see your new addtion.

Dan and Alicia Marlowe said...

It is fun to read about the way your family is celebrating summer time and your butterflies about meeting your next child! How exciting of a time for you. We are so happy that another little one will come to live with a loving, Christian family!

Anonymous said...

Kim...I'm so thrilled to be reading these past few updates! How blessed you must feel to know God is in this, and He's making things happen. I can't wait to hear more. I have met more and more families who are willing to adopt right now. There is an amazing love that is beaming from God's people all over the world. It's Christ in Us.....the Hope of Glory. Blessings!


findingourdaughter said...

What region are you going to? Our dossier was just registered in Vladivostok.
Best wishes and God bless your adoption journey!

kate said...

Love the new header. ;>