The Abraham Family’s Journey to Russia to Bring Home Their Daughter

July 14, 2008

VBS at Life House Fellowship Church

*Update: The kids' raised $777 for the orphanage! How incredible is that?

Our church had VBS last week and it was tons of fun! The theme was Back Yard Bible Club. VBS is one of my boys' favorite things about summer.

Another awesome thing about VBS is that the boys and girls have a competition to bring in canned goods as well as a penny drive. The canned goods will go to a local shelter's pantry. The pennys collected will be used as a donation to an orphanage in Russia! Bet you can guess which one!

The girls' jar weighed 109 lbs. The boys' jar weighed 127 lbs. We're waiting for the bank to tell us how much money in total!

Preston a
nd Garrett both donated $27 from their little banks. I wish I could tell you it was because of their heartfelt love and concern for the plight of orphans in Russia, but ... it may have more to do with how competitive those two are. It worked out great because the boys won the penny drive and the girls won the can drive. Everyone was happy!

Cool Dudes (a.k.a. Nolan & Garrett)

(The former cheerleader in me cringes to see that bent wrist)

Liam (in the blue shirt bottom left)

Liam's letter to soldiers

The lessons
centered around serving family, friends, community and God. Each night a few of the older kids did a silly skit about the word "serve". The first night two kids came in with surf boards and Wipe-Out music to SURF with family. Another night two kids were "serving" a beach ball to friends. My favorite was when Preston and Garrett came dressed up as waiters to "serve" appetizers to the community. Many moms and dads were involved in the teaching, crafts, snacks, music and skits. It was wonderful to see so many people serving in our church. We had 87 kids in attendance with lots of new visitors!

At the end of the week, the men surprised the kids
by building not one, but two, new outdoor playsets. Talk about service! We were all exhausted by Friday, but in a good way.


Troy and Rachel said...

Can't wait to see the pool! VBS looks like it was a lot of fun!!

Elaine said...

The picture of Liam with his hands raised in praise is beautiful. A visual of our Lord's instruction in His Word to become like little children.

Would make a great cover for a VBS Brochure for next year.

You are in our hearts and our prayers.

Dan and Alicia Marlowe said...

I love watching my kids soak up the music and message of VBS each summer. It is truly one of the highlights of each year. I'm so glad your family got to participate!