The Abraham Family’s Journey to Russia to Bring Home Their Daughter

July 7, 2008

We have travel dates!

Martin and I will be traveling to Russia on July 29 through August 3. We're finally going to meet our little sweetie! The dates are confirmed and Martin is looking at plane tickets as I type. Of course, that means we'll need to shell out more money for new Visas seeing as how our others expire on July 21. Good thing we discovered a treasure chest full of gold coins in the backyard when we dug a hole for our pool.

Now, if I could just remember where I put it.....


Troy and Rachel said...

Yippeeee!! So glad you got those dates and it's really happening!! I'm sorry about the Visas, but in the end (as you know) it won't seem like a big deal! Keep us posted on packing etc.

Melissa said...

fantastic news. i know shelling out more money for visas is a pain, but in the grand scheme of things, it ends up being a drop in the bucket. you will forget about it once you find her.

Nichole said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful news. I will be praying for safe travels.

Amy said...

Excellent News!!! I can't wait to hear more. I've been checking your blog to see if yougot dates, I'm so happy for you!!! Even though you have to get new visas, at least you don't have to pay the same day or 2-day fees :} Keep us posted. Congratulations!!!!

JEff said...

If you remember where you put the treasure, will you share some with us? I know you must be over the moon!

Carrie said...

YEAH!!!!! So glad to see this post. I can't wait to hear more!

Susan said...

Sorry for the extra fees but Hooray for travel dates!!

Joy said...

How cool!! That stinks that you have to redo your Visas but at least you do not have to spend the extra money to have them overnighted. I can not wait to read about your adventures.
Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers,

Over Caffeinated Mama said...


I am finally catching up on all my friends in blog land... I am so excited for you guys! :)


junglemama said...

Yeah! How exciting! We just got back form Ukraine and my husband leaves to bring home our son in only five short days. I hope you have a wonderful trip.

Mama Fish said...

Yeah Kim!!! It's exciting to know you will be traveling soon!

Becky and Keith said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on the date! I hate that you have to do your Visas again but it will ALL be worth it! :)

Janine said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations!! What an exciting time you have ahead of you! Meeting your child for the first time...priceless!

Can't wait to hear how everything goes!