The Abraham Family’s Journey to Russia to Bring Home Their Daughter

March 31, 2008

Yes, we got it!

It came in today's mail ... that precious, elusive document we've waited so long for ... the one we first applied for on June 14, 2007 ... drum roll please ... none other than our

CIS 171H!

The date of completion is listed as March 26, 2008. Folks, this is just a day and 1/2 from the last message I received from that nice person behind the e-mail curtain at the MEM Adoption Unit and the day after I posted about a kinder, gentler CIS. I am so thankful to have our approval in my hands. Better yet, it has been forwarded to the American Embassy in Moscow, Russia. All that's left to do now is to send a copy to HSC so they can get it appostilled and over to GOL to complete our Dossier.

And to think, I was just about to call our State Representative's office tomorrow!

This morning it was all cloudy and a bit dreary outside. I was very busy with work and was suffering from a case of the blahs. Coincidentally, once our CIS letter arrived, it's like the sun came out and the birds began to sing. The boys and I took advantage of the nice weather and hiked down to the little creek while Martin fired up the grill. We emerged from the woods to the wonderful smell of grilled burgers and hot dogs. Life is good! I laugh at myself because only in International Adoption can one silly little letter have such a dramatic effect on one's day!

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a good photo of a one-year-old yellow lab playing in water?

Boys and their dog!

This is the face of "Roxie".
She joined our family one year ago this month. Yes, she's a bit hyper, rips up all her beds, chews everything in sight, chases the cats, and eats Valentine's Day Cookies, but we sure love her!


Chris said...

Great news! One less hurdle to deal with!

Troy and Rachel said...

WOOO HOOOOOOOO - I am so happy for you!! Glad you didn't have to go through the political ropes - and so glad you have that document!

The Wilson's said...

Yeah! So glad that you got the document. You should get a few more winks of sleep tonight.

Dan and Alicia Marlowe said...

So glad that it came right on time! We just got Dmitry's SSN in the mail FINALLY! So, 1 1/2 weeks before taxes are due, we have everything we need to submit. We also made the application date for his Alaska Permanent Dividend Check by one day too. We actually sent it on the 'must be postmarked by' date. This is a wacky new world for us. We are ususally the poeple who send in their taxes Feb 5th at the latest and file for our PFD's the day after we get the packet in the mail. We found all throughout our adoption to not get in a hurry. God is an 'on-time' God. I think He made us squirm in our seats a few times just to make the point that He is never late!